Tag: poetry pedagogy
Exploration letter
Don’t Call Me…
Kalamata Second Chance School celebrated the anniversary of October 28, 1940, with trainees preparing and reciting poems about freedom and the pain of war.
Organisers: National Agency Education for Europe, GrubiNetz Rhineland-Palatinate, the AlphaDekade coordination office and the Adult Education Centre Vienna, lernraum.wien
In the framework of the POETA project, Second Chance School ofKalamata, made an effort to introduce to our trainees slam poetry(SLAM POETRY). We did not follow the basic rules faithfully, we justadapted them to the needs and capabilities of our trainees.We have made a start!Our goal was that our adult students could gain confidence, to […]
Second Chance School tele-poetry
On Thursday, June 9, 2022, an online meeting of the Peloponnese Second Chance Schools took place on the topic: Poetry interactions in the Peloponnese.The trainees recited poems on Xenity, Woman, Sea, Peace and the guises of Odysseus.In addition to the recitation, there was also the creative part, where the trainees were inspired by the themes […]
Da da poems
As part of the project this week, the trainees created da da poems and uploaded to the Erasmus corner of the POETA project. More information available online at: https://www.facebook.com/sdekalamatas/posts/525524312495539
Poetry and February
poetry about february
Poetry Pedagogy
Notes from the LTTA are available at the EPALE platform here or on https://epale.ec.europa.eu/en/blog/poetry-pedagogy-notes-ltta